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State-of-the-art typesetting for books, articles, journals and catalogues.
Now Automated.


State-of-the-art typesetting for books, articles, journals and catalogues.

Now Automated.

Print Ready!

as low as €0.60/page


as low as €0.60/page

State-of-the-art typesetting for books, articles, journals and catalogs.
Now Automated.

as low as €0.60/page

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Software Solutions
Software Solutions
Print Ready!

Do you need special features or functionality?

Our team of experts will help you.

Software Solutions

Boost your productivity with our secure, scalable and robust solutions.

Do you need special features or functionality?

Our team of experts will help you.

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High Quality, Low Prices
High Quality, Low Prices

We use cutting-edge solutions for digitalization and eLearning for high quality results at very competitive prices.

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Fiction without Friction
Fiction without Friction

We convert your novels and books into beautifully laid-out, print-ready PDFs in minutes.

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Prepress and Premedia Formatting

We offer text conversion services for books, articles, trade journals, and catalogs.

Your files can simultaneously be converted into:

Print PDF | Online PDF | Device-specific PDF | HTML5 | eBook (EPUB, AZW, mobi, Screen PDF)

Because many steps are fully automated and based on geometrical measures, we can offer high precision typesetting for very reasonable prices

High-value custom solutions to give your company better performance, scalable solutions, and a happier, more efficient production team. 

Our developers, designers, and product team will help you plan your digitization, production, and optimization using open stardards – so that you can evolve and grow trusting the solutions in place are durable and efficient. 

Our experience spans over decades and in many areas of software development and operations.  

Our Customers

We have long-standing partnerships with many well-established publishers in Germany and beyond.